"Cultivation" and "culture" claim the same etymology. "Sapere",
is the Italian for to know and to taste: this word is perfect for Sapiente project.
If the names carry meaning, in the case of our young
reality, we also imagine them as carriers of the future.

“our young President”

“ co founder ”

“ councilor”

“ co founder ”

“quality check and comunication”

“ councilor”
Our Oil Mill
"Inches - La Natura delle idee" was born on July 30th 2011 in Morre in the municipality of Baschi, on the northern slope of the Croce di Serra, in the enchanting Umbria. The southern part of this region, located between Todi and Orvieto, is a land of difficult and complete geography, complex to work but able to pay you back with an EVO oil of high quality. Our olive groves are included in the municipalities of Montecchio, Baschi, Todi, Avigliano. Our mill is IT BIO 009 CU 18e certified for cold extraction.
Our oils can be purchased at the Oil Mill. If you cannot come and visit us, contact us by email or phone to reserve your oil and we will send it to you at home.
Progetto Tellus 5.0.
Our project starts with essential conditions, not only productive but also philosophical, shared by all. The idea of regaining possession of a supply chain that makes the final consumer a protagonist of the process leading to quality has resulted in a wide-ranging community project. The Tellus 5.0 Project is a project embracing a Community Cooperative that is emerging from the collaboration with the municipal administration of Baschi. The program also includes the recovery of abandoned olive groves and the propagation, in new plants, of endangered native cultivars recovered by the CNR of Perugia.